
HTML_Template_Xipe v1.7

Creation date: 21 Jun 2002

Last change: 28 Jan 03

Author: Wolfram Kriesing


1 HTML_Template_Xipe Overview 4
1.1 Features 5
2 The history and the future 6
2.1 Testing existing template engines, Pro's and Con's 6
2.2 The 'simplest' template engine on earth 6
2.3 'Nice to haves' everyone needs 8
2.3.1 Auto braces 8
2.3.2 Customizable delimiters and printing variables directly 8
2.3.3 File handling 9
2.4 Translating, multilanguage applications 9
2.5 The future 10
3 What does it do 11
3.1 How 11
4 Installation 12
4.1 The template engine 12
4.2 Optional packages 12
4.2.1 Installing using the PEAR-Installer 12
4.2.2 Installing without the PEAR-Installer 12
5 Template languages 13
5.1 Standard language 13
5.1.1 Auto braces 14
5.2 SimpleTag language 15
6 Setup 17
6.1 Include path 17
6.2 Usage 17
6.2.1 The options 17 templateDir 17 compileDir 18 delimiter 18 filterLevel 18 forceCompile 20 logLevel 20 enable-XMLConfig 20 enable-Cache 21 autoBraces 21 makePhpTags 22 xmlConfigFile 22 locale 22 cache 22 verbose 23 logFileExtension 23 cacheFileExtension 24 debug 24
6.2.2 Setting options 24 Passing to the constructor 24 Call setOption 24 XML-config 24
6.2.3 Getting options 24
7 Filter 26
7.1 Basic Filters 26
7.2 TagLib Filters 26
7.2.1 Trim and trimByWords 26
7.2.2 Repeat 26
7.2.3 Include 27
7.2.4 Macro 27
7.3 Internal Filters 27
7.4 Modifier Filters 27
7.5 Applying filters 27
7.5.1 Creating custom filters 27
8 XML config 29
8.1 Available tags 29
8.2 Configuring a single template 29
8.3 Configuring multiple templates 29
9 Caching 30
9.1 Setting cache parameters 30
9.2 Caching time 30
9.2.1 Traps :-) 31
9.3 Dependencies 31
10 Translating 33

1HTML_Template_Xipe Overview

This is a template engine which offers all the features you have when using PHP, but still you can limit it down to as little as you only want it to do.

A little example shall demonstrate how the engine works and may be it gives you a short overview on how the concept works:

The template file (index.tpl):

Welcome {$username}!

You can choose from:

a simple foreach-loop as you know it from PHP
all the indented lines below the foreach-line
are looped (from the <li> to the </li>)
{foreach( $list as $aItem )}

<br />
Please don't hesitate to choose the right thing :-)

The source code file (index.php):

// require the engine which is in the include path
require_once 'HTML/Template/Xipe.php');
// define the options for the template engine
$options = array
// the root-directory where to find the templates
'templateDir' => dirname(__FILE__),
// the directory where to store the compiled template
'compileDir' => 'tmp'
// create an instance of the template engine
$tpl = new HTML_Template_Xipe($options);

// the template file is in the templateDir, the same directory
// as where the php-file is, therefore we only need to give the file name
// this includes the finally compiled template, which is a php-file


The template engine is a compiling engine, all templates are compiled into PHP-files. This will make the delivery of the files faster on the next request, since the template doesn't need to be compiled again. If the template changes it will be recompiled.

There is no new template language to learn (chapter 5), you can use standard php as you already know it. Why I did it this way, read the chapter before.

By default the template engine uses indention for building blocks (chapter 5.1.1). This feature was inspired by Python and by the need I felt to force myself to write proper HTML-code, using proper indentions, to make the code better readable.

Every template is customizable in multiple ways (chapter 8). You can configure each template or an entire directory to use different delimiters, caching parameters, etc. via either an XML-file or a XML-chunk which you simply write anywhere inside the tpl-code.

Using the Cache (chapter 9) the final file can also be cached (i.e. a resulting HTML-file). The caching options can be customized as needed. The cache can reduce the server load by very much, since the entire php-file doesn't need to be processed again, the resulting client-readable data are simply delivered right from the cache (the data are saved using php's output buffering).

The template engine is prepared to be used for multi-language applications too (chapter 10). If you i.e. use the PEAR::I18N (see for translating the template, the compiled templates need to be saved under a different name for each language. The template engine is prepared for that too, it saves the compiled template including the language code if required (i.e. a compiled index.tpl which is saved for english gets the filename index.tpl.en.php).

2The history and the future

While searching THE template engine for my uses i came across many of them and I have worked with all the very known ones for a while until I realized that none of them offers exactly what I needed or that at least not one of them has all the features at once.

2.1Testing existing template engines, Pro's and Con's

Smarty is caching the pages and it is the most powerful template engine, everyone says. So that was the way to go. But I got stuck quite soon, when trying to port a bigger application to use Smarty. There was no way using Smarty to refer to an array using a template variable as a key (I only needed something like this inside a template: {$array[$aVar]} ). I was asking on the mailing list and was told that this is not possible (yet).

IT[X] is in my eyes not really meant for high traffic sites, since it parses the template every time and the programming to control the template became to complicated for bigger sites. The 'setCurrentBlock', 'setVariable' and alikes were taking up almost as much code as the business logic itself.

What was bothering me about all the existing template engines was that you always had so much code inside the php-file which was needed to either assign the values and/or to build the control structures for showing the data. I only want the business logic inside the php-files no additional code which controls the template. For me the template was supposed to use and show the data generated by the business logic in whatever way needed.
Some of the aspects might not be very clean from a MVC-point of view perspective but it seems most practical in my eyes. So may be I just wanted something in between.

Initially it was not my intention to write a template engine, I wanted to use the best that exists, work peacefully and let others take care of maintaining the tool.
But for the reasons mentioned above, one night I came up with the idea to write the simplest template engine on earth. That's why the actual name was 'SimpleTemplate'.

2.2The 'simplest' template engine on earth

This template engine shall do nothing more than provide all the power of PHP inside the template without writing the ugly <?php and ?> tags. Actually i only wanted to replace those by some delimiter which is easier to write and looks nicer, like {% and %}. So the template engine should not do anything else but parsing a php-file, which has {% and %} instead of <?php and ?> in it, and replace those {% and %}. That was the entire idea.
A template could be this:

<title>{%echo $title%}</title>
Welcome {%echo $username%}!

{%foreach( $list as $aItem ) { %}
{%echo $aItem%}
{% } %}

This would provide all the power of php inside the template. To make it all work like a real template-concept you only need to separate the actual php-code from the template and that's a template concept. So it just needs a little self-discipline and the template engine works like all the others.

Since the template file is simply included (after compiling) at the end of the php-file you don't need no assign-methods. Any variable used in any code before is available in the template too.
So the php-file could be like this:

// $title can be used in the template file without assigning or
// anything
$title = 'Template_Xipe - translating template engine';
$username = 'Wolfram Kriesing';
$list = array( 'easy' , 'compiling' , 'translating' , 'and so on' );

$tpl->compile( <template file> );
include( <compiled tempalte> );

So that the PHP-interpreter would finally get something like this:

// $title can be used in the template file without assigning or
// anything
$title = 'Tempalte_Xipe - translating template engine';
$username = 'Wolfram Kriesing';
$list = array( 'easy' , 'compiling' , 'translating' , 'and so on' );

$tpl->compile( <template file> );
include( <compiled tempalte> ); // as attached below
<title><?php echo $title ?></title>
Welcome <?php echo $username ?> !

<?php foreach( $list as $aItem ) { ?>
<?php echo $aItem ?>
<?php } ?>

This way I had all the problems solved the template engines I tested before gave me:

2.3'Nice to haves' everyone needs

The start was made and as every programmer knows it, once you start programming you can always make the existing thing better and implement features which seem useful.

So I started with those which seemed most obvious to me.

2.3.1Auto braces

As you can see in the code you still need to make the php-blocks, (i.e. for the foreach) using the brackets { and }.

{%foreach( $list as $aItem ) { %}
{%echo $aItem%}
{% } %}

But if you simply look at the code the indention would do the work too. So I recalled, that the programming language Python has this feature too, so it can't be so wrong (and I like it). Python builds the blocks (which are delimited using { and } in PHP) by the indention.
So I implemented the 'autoBrace' feature, which makes this code work (note the missing { and } for building the php blocks, the indention is used instead):

{%foreach( $list as $aItem )%}
{%echo $aItem%}

A nice side effect is that the template code has to be nicely formatted.

2.3.2Customizable delimiters and printing variables directly

Now that the blocks are built using the indention, the delimiters { and } are not reserved anymore, since they are not needed anymore. So I can use them as the delimiters.

Every template engine has a simple way of printing variables, so I implemented one too, so the echo wont be needed anymore. Now every delimiter followed by a $-sign is converted to be echoed, as you can see in the following code.

{foreach( $list as $aItem )}

The delimiter became customizable of course.

2.3.3File handling

Meanwhile the entire file handling had to be implemented. I wanted to use the template engine in my existing projects. Therefore the compiled templates had to saved in unique places, the re-compiling had to be triggered properly and some other things such as the option forceCompile had to be implemented.

2.4Translating, multilanguage applications

After developing a big site which had to be multilingual I was quite disappointed about the existing tools for developing multilingual web applications. We did it back then using the worst way possible, copying the entire application and translating it. Then I tried the gettext-way. I didnt want no {$TEXT123} which then is replaced by the text which is in some external data source. This makes the code very ugly in my eyes.

Then I thought of the easiest solution: simply translate the existing templates using regular expressions and apply a post filter, which translates the dynamic text using the same data source.

Since I am compiling the template anyway I can also look into the template and try to translate the text that seems translatable. For example:

Welcome {$username}!
Have a nice day and enjoy our site!

In this template you can see, that for translating it you would only need to pick out the strings 'Welcome ... !' and 'Have a nice day and enjoy our site!'. So the translated and compiled template, i.e. into german will look like this:

Willkommen <?php echo $username ?>!
Viel Spaß auf unserer Seite und einen schönen Tag noch!

This doesn't seem a big task, simply replace all english text by all the german text, or any other language. Now we only have to save every compiled template for each language in a different file, so that index.tpl will be compiled and saved as index.tpl.en.php and Now we have compiled the template-tags and converted them into proper PHP and additionally we have translated the text that we could translate. We don't need no ugly place holders or constants which represent our text, we can simply write the text inside the template and the translation mechanism translates all that you tell it to.

2.5The future

one day $day wont need a delimiter around it, like velocity

3What does it do



The template engine processes all files using regular expressions and simple string replacing.


4.1The template engine

Download the latest version of the template engine from

Extract the package and move it in your include path. Your php-include path is the path that PHP uses to search for files, you can define it in your php.ini under the key include_path.

4.2Optional packages

Optional packages are:

for XMLConfig: PEAR::Tree

for translating: PEAR::Tree and PEAR::I18N

If you are using the feature XML-Config you need to install the PEAR package Tree.

For translation as described in a later chapter you need to download the Tree package and the I18N package from the pear repository.

4.2.1Installing using the PEAR-Installer

Install them using the pear-installer. It will download the packages from the pear-server and install them in your pear directory, which by default is also in your php-include path.

To check if you have the pear-installer on your system simply type pear on the command line, if the command can be found you have pear installed properly. Now you should be able to install the packages by typing

>pear install Tree


>pear install I18N

4.2.2Installing without the PEAR-Installer

It is not suggested to install those packages without the pear-installer. You should only do this when you know exactly what you are doing.

Download the two packages from Extract the files and copy the directories in your include path. You might need to remove the version numbers from the directory name.

5Template languages

Since version 1.6 another kind of language constructs are included in HTML_Template_Xipe , besides the standard language, the so called SimpleTag language (chapter 5.2).

5.1Standard language

Actually there is no new made-up template language to learn. The language you use to implement the logic inside the templates is standard PHP. Some optimizations for the use as a 'template language' do exist though.

All the power of PHP available inside a template may seem against the philosophy of templates. But my thought when doing it this way was to rather provide a powerful template language, which to use with great discipline is up to be determined by everyone itself, instead of having to implement every feature that might be requested one day.

If one says in a template language only foreach and if should be allowed, then this person has all the freedom to use only this subset. Furthermore one can also write a simple filter which prevents from the use of other features. The general intention was to provide all possible. Another advantage is that the template language doesn't need to be extended or changed once anything changes in PHP or some new PHP-functionality should become available, it simply is ready to use.

To get a quick overview here some examples:

{$text} equivalent <?=$text ?>, prints the value of $text
because the $-sign follows right after the {

{ $text = 'Hello '} equivalent <?php $text='Hello' ?>
notice the space between the { and the $-sign

Auto braces

{if( $x==1 )}
x is 1
x is not 1 but
x is {$x}

{foreach( $allProducts as $aProduct )}
Product name: {$aProduct['name']}
Product id: {$aProduct['id']}
Order number: {$aProduct['orderNumber']}
this string is already outside of the block and will only be show once.


{$var=7} prints '7'

{ $var=7} only assigns 7 without printing, note the space in front!!!

5.1.1Auto braces

By default the template engine builds the blocks (as needed in php) by indention.

{if( $x==1 )}
x is 1
x is not 1 but
x is {$x}


{foreach( $allProducts as $aProduct )}
Product name: {$aProduct['name']}
Product id: {$aProduct['id']}
Order number: {$aProduct['orderNumber']}
this string is already outside of the block and will only be show once.

NOTE: Be sure to indent lines which start with PHP-code only when you want to build a block. And be sure to use spaces instead of TABS for the indention!

Here are some examples where auto braces has an effect and builds a block

{if( $thisIsTrue() )}
then print this :-)

{if( sizeof($anArray) )}
{foreach( $anArray as $aElement )}

{if( is_array($anArray) && sizeof($anArray) )}
well it is an array with content
{if( sizeof($anArray) > 10)}
there are more than 10 elements inside
{{if( sizeof($anArray) > 20)}
there are more than 20 elements inside
OK here they are :-) <br/>
{foreach( $anArray as $aElement )}

ATTENTION: be careful with the following. Blocks will be built too, but I am sure they are not meant to be built, and the indention makes no sense anyway (in my eyes).

{print_r( $someVar )}

{ $aVar = 'value'}
{ $anotherVar}

and those are examples where auto braces doesn't do anything

No blocks is built because the { is not at the beginning of the line
<form action="{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}">

No block is built, because the {$formStart} is meant to print out a value

5.2SimpleTag language

Since version 1.6

This is a set of filters which enable language constructs that can be used as an alternative to the standard template language described before. Please note that you can only use either one.

This language enables designers to finally use the template engine too. A short example demonstrates how this language works.

<!-- configure the template engine -->
<autoBraces value="false"/>
<register class="HTML_Template_Xipe_Filter_SimpleTag"/>

<!-- the actual template content starts here-->

#if( sizeof($task) )
#foreach($task as $aTask)

#foreach(u::test() as $aTask){$aTask}<br>#end

The last line demonstrates one of the main differences to the standard language. The 'autoBraces' is and has to be turned of for this language (SimpleTag language).

This language is intended to provide control structures without depending on the format of the source code. So it can be used with WYSIWYG-tools such as dreamweaver etc.

As you can see in the source code the control structures start with a '#' and have to be terminated by a '#end'. Variables are still surrounded by the delimiters that you can configure as you want to.

Besides the mentioned differences, this language has all the features the standard language offers too. You can use pure PHP inside your templates just as you are used to.

As you can see in the example above, you have to configure the template engine to use this language. This does not have to be done for each template, you can simply put the XML-Part inside a config.xml file, which you place in the template-Root and the all templates which are in this path will use the settings from this config.xml, as long as they are not overwritten, see chapter 8 for more info on how to configure the template engine via XML.

This is an example of a config.xml for using the SimpleTag language.

<!-- configure the template engine -->
<autoBraces value="false"/>
<register class="HTML_Template_Xipe_Filter_SimpleTag"/>

Be sure to have the option 'XML-Config' turned on, otherwise this config.xml file won't have no effect.


This chapter explains how to setup the template engine and how to get started using it.

TO BE UPDATED, since Xipe is in PEAR now!!!!

FOR NOW install it via the PEAR-installer:

use: pear install HTML_Template_Xipe

6.1Include path

Place the complete directory SimpleTemplate and all its subfolders in a directory which is in your PHP-include_path, you can define this in the file php.ini. If you dont have the permission to change the php.ini or you dont like to put this in the include path you can use

ini_set( 'include_path' , '.:/path/to/directory' )

if you also want to preserve the current include_path and only want to add the SimpleTemplate to the include path use

ini_set( 'include_path' , ini_get('include_path').':/path/to/directory' ).

Assuming you have copied SimpleTemplate in the directory '/usr/local/share/SimpleTemplate' your ini_set command would look like this:

ini_set( 'include_path' , '.:/usr/local/share' )

NOTE: On windows systems the path seperator is not a colon ':' as used here but a ';'.


A standard way to get the template engine to work is the following

$options = array( 'templateDir' => dirname(__FILE__),
'compileDir' => 'tmp' );
$tpl = new HTML_Template_Xipe($options);

The two options that are defined here are those which need to be given at least. The exact meaning is described in the next chapter.

6.2.1The options

This chapter describes all the options you can set for the template engine. There are multiple ways of setting those options. Those will be described at the end of this chapter. The first and mostly used way is probably the one as shown in the example above, by passing those options to the constructor.

NOTE: Every option described in the following can also be passed to the constructor in the options array as shown above.

For demonstrating ways to set options we assume, that the instance of the template engine is named '$tpl'.

Type string
Default value ''

The first one templateDir is the one which defines the root directory in which your templates are stored.

The tempalteDir can not be changed using the XML-Config.

Type string
Default value 'tmp'

The compileDir is the directory where all the compiled templates will be stored.

NOTE: Be sure to give write rights (in the compileDir) to the user your webserver is running as, so it can write the compiled files in this directory.

The compileDir can not be changed using the XML-Config.

Type array
Default value array('{','}')

This option is an array, and it defines the delimiters used inside your tempaltes. By default this option has the following values and can be set

$tpl->setOption( 'delimiter' , array('{','}') );

You can set any delimiter you like, but you should be careful choosing the delimiters, so they dont make life hard when writing the source code of the tempaltes.

The delimiters can be any kind of string. But be careful not to use any that are often used inside PHP or HTML, because then you would have to escape them everytime you need for something else then a delimiter.

Setting the delimiters using XML

<delimiter begin="{%{" end="}%}"/>

The XML chunk above sets the opening delimiters to '{%{' and the closing delimiters to '}%}'.

Type integer
Default value 10
Since version 1.5.

This option defines which filters are used by default. It was added thanks to the hint from Alan Knowles. The filterLevel relieves you from the work of instanciating objects of each filter class and assigning the methods manually.

Still you can always add other filters from those shipped with the HTML_Template_Xipe classes or you can program your own filters. This is described in a later chapter.

For now there are only some filterLevels defined, those are




Applys no filters at all. The code is being compiled and not changed in any way. TagLib-tags are also not available, since the TagLib also works as a filter.


Not in use yet


Like level 9 only that all comments also stay inside the code. Actually no code optimization is done. You can use this mode to look at the compiled code to double check or investigate how the engine genreates the code and what it changes.


Like level 10 only, that all post filters, that optimize and modify the compiled template do not apply. This is very useful when debugging and when it is necessary to look at the code the tempalte engine has compiled.


DEFAULT. Applies all the filters that are available and make most sence to be applied, for a complete list see text below.

For level 10 the following filters are applied





For level 9 all filters from level 10 but the following apply


For level 8 all filters from level 9 but the following apply


This option is not yet configurable via XML.

Type boolean
Default value false

This option forces that the templates are compiled on every run. It is suggested to use this feature only while debugging or during development. On a live server you should set it to false, since that increases speed.

$tpl->setOption( 'forceCompile' , true );

This option can not be set via XML.

Type integer
Default value 1

Using this option you can set the level of logging, this means how much or if at all is written in the log files. A log file is created for each template file individually in the compileDir.

In the highest logLevel 3 those can be used to see which filters were applied, how long it took to proceed each filter and the size of the file after processing the filter.

The logLevels mean




Logs nothing and creates no log files at all, use this in a live environment.


Only logs new compiles.


Logs everything even only deliveries of a template file.

Type boolean
Default value false
Since version 1.5

Setting this option to true gives you the opportunity to configure each template or all templates in a directory and its subdirectories.

See chapter ... on how to use the xml tags to configure your template(s).

You can set the option using

$tpl->setOption( 'enable-XMLConfig' , true );

Type boolean
Default value false
Since version 1.5

This option enables the caching of templates.

See chapter ... on how to use caching.

To enable caching you can use

$tpl->setOption( 'enable-Cache' , true );

Type boolean
Default value true

This option takes care of creating the blocks using the indention in the template files. See also chapter .... for more infos about autoBraces.

$tpl->setOption( 'autoBraces' , false );

You can also set this option using the XMLConfig inside your template, be sure to have 'enable-XMLConfig' set to true for this to take effect.

<autoBraces value="false"/>

If you turn autoBraces off you should be careful with using the curly braces ( '{' and '}' ) as delimiters, since they are used by PHP to build blocks.

Turning it off might make sense if you write filters which handle templates like the following (Velocity-like )

#foreach ( $aValue in $someArray )
#if ( $aValue != '' )
This is a value: $aValue

or if you know exactly what you are doing.

If autoBraces is off and the delimiters are i.e. set to '[[' and ']]' then your template might look like this

[[ foreach($someArray as $aValue) ]]
[[ { ]]
[[ if ( $aValue != '' ) { ]]
This is a value: [[ $aValue ]]
[[ } ]]
[[ } ]]

Note that this code snippet contains the block building curly braces. With the autoBraces turned on you wouldnt have to care about that.

Be sure to think about all the side effects this might have and take care of handling them properly.

Type boolean
Default value true
Since version 1.5

This option takes care of converting the delimiters to proper php tags. Turning this option off (setting it to false) makes only sense if you want to use the template engine for a special reason, or if you write your own filter(s) which do(es) the parsing and take(s) care of all the conversions.

$tpl->setOption( 'makePhpTags' , false );

Type string
Default value 'config.xml'

The string given to this option is the filename of the XML-config file that will be used to configure the templates.

Type string
Default value 'en'

When you are using the translation feature this string will be added to the compiled template file. If you are not using the translation feature you can simply set this option to an empty string ('').

If this value has the default value 'en' a template with the name index.tpl will be saved as index.en.tpl.php after compilation.

Type array
Default value

array( 'time' => false,

'depends' => 0).

Since version 1.5

This value contains multiple values, which are saved in an array. When instantiating an instance of the template engine and passing this option, you can determine the default behavior of the caching mechanism. If you don't configure templates to be cached with different settings those values will be used.

Setting this value only has an effect when 'enable-Cache' is turned on too.

set this to the number of seconds for which the final (html-)file shall be cached

// false means the file is not cached at all

// if you set it to 0 it is cached forever

,'depends' => 0

// what does it depend on if the cache file can be reused

// i.e. could be $_REQUEST $_COOKIES

<time value="10" />
<depends value="$_REQUEST['listStart']"/>


<cache dontCache="true" />

Type boolean
Default value true

The default value is true to print out error messages right away, to make setting up the template engine easier. Those error messages actually only appear for problems that need to be solved before getting the template engine running properly, such as:

On a production system you should turn this option off!

Type string
Default value 'log'

This is the extension that will be added to the log files. Note that log files will only be written when the option 'logLevel' is set to do so.

Type string
Default value 'html'

This is the file extension for the cached files. Files will only be cached when the 'enable-Cache' option is true.

Type integer
Default value 0

Set the debug level here.

6.2.2Setting options

You can set options in different ways, which will be described in the following. to the constructor

The most common way, and the best practice is to set the options passing them to the constructor, as shown in the code example at the beginning of this document and as done in most of the examples. setOption


Currently you can not set every option using the XML-config.

<delimiter begin="{%{" end="}%}"/>
<time value="10" />
<depends value="$_REQUEST['listStart']"/>

6.2.3Getting options

Get a option, which is a scalar value.


Getting an option which is an array.

$cacheTime = $tpl->getOption('cache','time'); // get the caching time

This retreives the option 'time' which is saved in the option array 'cache'. See chapter .... for an example.

$openDel = $this->getOption( 'delimiter' , 0 ) // the opening delimiter
$closeDel = $this->getOption( 'delimiter' , 1 ) // the closing delimiter


Pre and postfilters ...

7.1Basic Filters

Those are filters which modifiy the template before saving it as the compiled template.

7.2TagLib Filters

Named after the JSP TagLibs

All TagLib-filters start with the delimiter followed by a '%' and they also end with a '%' sign followed by the end delimiter. Assuming your delimiters are '{' and '}' a TagLib-tag would look like this

{%methodName parameters %}.

TagLibs are different from the basic filters because they have additional functionality implemented, i.e. trimming strings. TagLib-tags are mostly configurable and useable in different ways for different tasks.

7.2.1Trim and trimByWords

This trims the variable given after the number of characters you specified.

Examples for using it:

{%trim $text 10 “...”%}

This trims $text after 10 characters and if the $text was longer than 10 characters it adds “...” at the end.


The repeat-tag is just an easy way for replacing a for-loop which only has to go through a block of code a couple of times. The syntax is quite simple:

{%repeat $count [$varibaleName]%}

It repeats the block below the repeat-tag $count times and uses the varibale $variableName to let you access the current counter value. Where it doesn't matter if you write any more words inbetween, i.e. You could write {%repeat 7 times%} and it would repeat the block below seven times, this is allowed to make the entire code more readable. Also you can write {%repeat 7 times with $x%} where $x will be the counter varibale, which you can use to access the current value of the loop.

Examples are as follows:

{%repeat 3%}
repeat me

{%repeat 3 times%}
repeat me

each of the above repeats the text 'repeat me' 3 times

{%repeat $count times%}
repeat me

{%repeat $obj->methodCall() %}
repeat me

{%repeat sizeof($x)%}
repeat me

{%repeat $count times $counter%}
repeat me

{%repeat $count times using $counter%}
repeat me

each of the above repeats the block below the repeat-tag, as many times as the variable behind repeat tells.


The include-tag can be used to include other templates, which will be parsed too. This is very useful for including templates or especially macros. The actual reason why I implemented this was that I wanted to have macros which do common functionality such as creating some form tags etc. The syntax is as follows:

{%include /path/to/file.tpl%}

The file is searched for in the 'templateDir' as defined in your options and in the php-include path, set either in the php.ini or via ini_set, etc.


7.3Internal Filters

Those are only used by the template engine itself. Normally it doesn't make much sense using them directly, but who knows what people come up with :-).

7.4Modifier Filters

Check out imgSrc-Filter this really saves a lot of time :-)!!!!

7.5Applying filters

7.5.1Creating custom filters

Extend the class HTML_Template_Xipe_Options so you can also access all the options set for the template engine. If you are writing prefilters you will surely need to get the currently used delimiter, which you can do by calling the method getOption in the following way

$openDel = $this->getOption( 'delimiter' , 0 ) // the opening delimiter
$closeDel = $this->getOption( 'delimiter' , 1 ) // the closing delimiter

8XML config

Override from template root to the tempalte file

8.1Available tags

For now the following tags are available, each of them is optional.

<delimiter begin="{%{" end="}%}"/>
<autoBraces value="false"/>
<locale value="en"/>
<time value="10" />
<depends value="$_REQUEST['listStart']"/>

Since version 1.5.2 you can also register filters using the xml-config. This is just a partly implementation now, so it will only work as explained here. Here is an example:

<register class="SimpleTemplate_Filter_SimpleTag"/>

If 'class' is given it's assumed, that the class name represents also the path name, so HTML_Template_Xipe_Filter_SimpleTag means the file is in HTML/Template/Xipe/Filter/SimpleTag.php which means (mostly) the file has to be in the include path!
If the attribute 'classFile' is given it will be used for including the proper file instead of 'assuming' the filename. So you could also use the attribute classFile="HTML/Template/Xipe/Filter/SimpleTag.php".

8.2Configuring a single template

8.3Configuring multiple templates

Either those in a directory and all template in the subdirectories


Caching means that the resulting pages which is delivered to the client will be cached. In case of websites those can be HTML files. You can configure for how long pages shall be cached and what the cached file depends on.

If caching is enabled it can reduce the server load by much. If you have a very frequently visited site, which always retrieves a lot of data from the DB to create the page, caching this page will reduce the load of PHP processing and the DB-load.

To enable caching set the option 'enable-Cache' to true. This can only be done by passing this option to the constructor. The xml configuration has to be enabled too, but you don't need to do that explicitly because the 'enable-Cache' does that already.

Add this parameter to the options array:

'enable-Cache' => true

And use the XML-Config (for more info see chapter 8) to determine the caching parameters to configure each template or multiple templates.

<time value="1" unit="day" />
<depends value="$_REQUEST['listStart'] $anotherVar $anyVar"/>

<cache dontCache="true" />

9.1Setting cache parameters

You can set cache parameters in different ways, the most common one is as shown above, using the XML config.

Another way is passing the caching options to the constructor, as shown in the chapter on how to set the cache option.

9.2Caching time

The caching time is the time when the cached file expires.

The default unit is seconds, but you can also use any other unit described here:

<time value="1" unit="minute" />

<time value="3" unit="hours" />

<time value="2" unit="weeks" />

<time value="1" unit="day" />

9.2.1Traps :-)

Generating cache-pages (of one tpl) at different times so they also expire differently ... !!! i have to implement cache groups for that!


Dependencies are useful when you have a page which depends on the result of different variables or parameters. For example: a product catalog which shows the catalogs of different categories or depending on the current category to show the page always looks different. But all this can easily be achieved writing only one PHP page. So you need a mechanism to tell the cache that it has to cache the product page for category X in a different file then the page for category Y. This can be achieved by configuring the dependencies of a page. In the case of the example just mentioned it would simply be the category that the page depends on.

Configuring the page to depend on the category could be achived like this:
assuming the category is saved in the PHP-variable $category

<depends value="$category"/>

assuming that the category is saved in the product array, the line has to be:

<depends value="$product['category']"/>

A page might not only depend on one variable. You can also set a number of variables a page's caching shall depend on, simply seperate them by spaces

<depends value="$category $company $product['id']"/>

or define multiple depend tags

!!!!! NOT yet implemented, at least not even tested if it might already work :-)

<depends value="$category"/>
<depends value="$company"/>
<depends value="$product['id']"/>


It is not suggested to let a page depend on data which can be passed to the page from the outside. Those kind of data mostly are the request data, such as GET, POST or COOKIE data. If you let the page depend on any of this data it could be very easy for an attacker to run a DOS (Denial of Service) attack, because the template engine has to generate a new page for all the different request parameters.

For example: The string 'anything' can be set to any value.

There are plans to prevent this from happening, by adding a maxCacheSize option to the template engine. If this size is reached the template engine will automatically turn the caching off and not produce any more cache files.



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