Types of API pagination

Types of API pagination:

Cursor Pagination

The cursor pagination utilizes a pointer that refers to a specific database record.


Clients provide a cursor that points to a unique database record
API: GET /api/user/list

request: {
 cursor: 12345,
 page_size: 10

In each request, clients pass a cursor and a page_size

  • The cursor refers to a specific unique value in the database.
  • If the cursor is not given, the server fetches from the first record.
WHERE id <= %cursor
LIMIT %<limit + 1>

The server fetches (limit + 1) records whose ID is smaller than the cursor value.

Note that the limit is equal to the given page size plus one.

  • If the number of records returned is less than the LIMIT, it implies that we are on the last page.
  • The extra record is not returned to the client. The ID of the extra record is passed back to the client as the next_cursor.
response: {
    "users": [...],
    "next_cursor": "12335",  # the user id of the extra result


Stable pagination window

  • Since we are fetching from a stable reference point, the addition or deletion of record will not affect the pagination window.

Scale well with large datasets

  • The cursor is unique and indexed.
  • The database jumps directly to the record without iterating through the unwanted data. Hence, making it more efficient.


  • The cursor pagination doesn’t allow clients to jump to a specific page.
  • The cursor must come from a unique and sequential column (E.g. timestamp). Otherwise, some data will be skipped.
  • Limited sort features. If the requirement is to sort based on a non-unique column (E.g. first name), it will be challenging to implement using cursor pagination. Concatenating multiple columns to get a unique key leads to slower time complexity.

Keyset pagination

Offset and Limit Pagination

Offset Pagination

The offset pagination leverages the OFFSET and LIMIT commands in SQL to paginate data.


Paginate using the OFFSET & LIMIT command in SQL

Said we are implementing an API to get a list of user information.

API: GET /api/user/list

request: {
 page_size: 10,
 page_number: 3

In each request, clients pass a page_size (offset) and a page_number (limit).

  • Page size indicates the number of data to be returned.
  • Page number indicates the current requesting page.
SELECT COUNT(*) AS total FROM user_tab;

The server first queries the total number of records from the user table.

  • This allows the clients to grasp the number of total pages.
SELECT * FROM user_tab

The server utilises the offset and limit commands to retrieve ten records from the table.

  • Since the given page_number is 3, the offset = 10 * 2 = 20.
response: {
    "users": [...],
    "paging": {
        "total_record": 295,
        "page": 3,
        "total_pages": 30

The server returns the paging information to the clients allowing them to keep track of the current and available pages.


  • It allows the clients to view the total number of pages.
  • It allows clients to jump to a specific page by passing the page number.


Result inconsistency

  • If an item in a previous page is deleted, data will shift forward, causing some results to be skipped.
  • If an item in a previous page is added, data will shift backwards, causing some results to be duplicated.

Offset inefficiency — Doesn’t scale well with large dataset

  • The database looks up for (offset + limit) number of records before discarding the unwanted ones and returning the remaining.
  • Hence, the query time increases drastically as the offset increases.

Page-Based Pagination

Time-Based Pagination


Architecture decisions

How to quickly setup Architecture decisions for your project (directory)?

First, read https://cognitect.com/blog/2011/11/15/documenting-architecture-decisions about following decisions without records (or documentation).

Then install the adr-tools (docs here): https://github.com/npryce/adr-tools/blob/master/INSTALL.md

Usage (readme):

adr help
cd ~/project-root

adr init docs/adr
adr new Implement as Unix shell scripts
adr new -s 9 Use Rust for performance-critical functionality